Who are the 5 most famous people in history?

Words really aren't enough to clarify who Jesus was and why people worship him. According to four canonical gospels, he was born as the holy spirit of a virgin lady in the year AD and D, and was the most prestigious person in the world who ever lived.

Who are the 5 most famous people in history?

Words really aren't enough to clarify who Jesus was and why people worship him. According to four canonical gospels, he was born as the holy spirit of a virgin lady in the year AD and D, and was the most prestigious person in the world who ever lived. He is often referred to as the Son of God. Maybe not all people know exactly about him.

But the name of Jesus Christ is abundant. Jesus is the leader of Christianity and the kind of faith shown by people who undoubtedly make him the most important person on earth of all time and. Mohammed was the last messenger of God and the prophet, like others, Nuh, Musa, Saleh, Moses and Jesus Christ. Mohammed brought Islam to non-Muslims and restored Islam.

He was the only person who recorded the word of God in the record and who later became the Quran. Prophet Muhammad was born around the year AD, D. However, until that time, it united all of Arabia (Middle East) under one God. In your life, I'm sure you've seen Mona Lisa's portrait of the woman at least twice.

It was created by the artist Leonardo DA Vinci, he was an inventor, architect, sculptor, cartographer, geologist, writer, botanist, mathematician, anatomist, musician, scientist and one of the best painters of all time. This Renaissance man was born in 1452 in Vinci, Italy, and was raised by his father and stepmothers. Da Vinci is widely known for his best portraits, such as Mona Lisa, The Last Supper, The Vitruvian Man and The Lady of the Ermine. And inventions such as the parachute, the viola organist and Leonardo DA Vinci's tank.

The guy who changed the face of rock and roll music and later known as the king of rock and roll, the most famous and notable personality of the 20th century and is the best-selling soloist, followed by Michael Jackson. Presley began his musical career in 1954 and his first RCA single, Heartbreak Hotel, became number one in the United States, and his contribution to rock n roll, rockabilly, blues, gospel, soul, rhythm and country, and his appearances on the big screen, television and radio in the mid-1950s, including many Grammy Awards and a Grammy for life, made him the most prominent person in musical culture of all time. Michael Jackson — The King of Pop — MJ — The Earl of Twirl — The Gauntlet. Absolutely King Michael Jackson Michael Jackson should not be 3 years old and I think Elvis should be the head of Michael Michael should be the second maybe and what about James Dean Myrolyn Monroe Humphrey Bogart Grank Sinatra as celebrities are almost as famous as Elvis or Jackson and Mocahel Jordan.

I think Einstein should be ahead of Jackson or Hitler. To redeem us from our sins, Jesus died on the cross. During the Lord's Supper, both unleavened bread and the grape harvest are spiritually present. He was possibly the best-known person who had ever lived on the planet.

Perhaps not everyone knows all aspects of their life well. The name of Jesus Christ, on the other hand, is well known. Jesus is the head of Christianity, and people view him as the most important person on earth because of their faith in him. Mohammed is considered the founder of Islam by non-Muslims.

. Muslims believe that Mohammed resurrected religion and united it under the ideas that God revealed to him in the revelations he recorded. Islam is an Arabic term that means “surrender” or “succumb”, in this case to the will of Allah. Mohammed, like Noah, Musa, Saleh, Moses and Jesus Christ, was the last messenger and prophet of God.

Mohammed restored Islam and brought it to non-Muslims. He was the only one to record the word of God, which would later become the Quran. The most influential people of the 21st century After World War I, Germany was forced to pay the war bills of all other nations, completely ruining Germany's economy. The Deutsche Mark had depreciated to the point where young people burned millions of them at a time to stay warm on the streets.

One of the two cornerstones of contemporary physics is Albert Einstein, a theoretical physicist. For his theory of photoelectric phenomena, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics. After being persecuted by the German Nazi Party, he moved to the United States in the following decade. The success of his historical paintings has made Da Vinci known primarily as an artist, however, the hundreds of pages of his writings reveal the most diverse and brilliant thoughts.

He wrote and drew on a wide range of topics, such as geography, anatomy (which he studied to better represent the human body), flight, gravitation and optics, and often moved from one subject to another in a separate document and wrote in rearview mirror writing. When he “invented” the bicycle, the airplane and the parachute, he was 600 years ahead of his days. Fighting against someone else's observations is quite absurd, but in Newton's situation, arguing against mathematics was impossible. He refuted the theories of heliocentrism in the first two and clarified how and why every macroscopic object in the Universe moves the way it does.

He achieved everything himself and always had time to research optical elements and principles, as well as to develop the pet door, despite being too concerned with having sex. At 84, she died a virgin. The current tree, which grew from a seed of the original, was planted in 288 BC. C.

Buddha sat in meditation for seven weeks until he realized how to eliminate the suffering of all people on the planet. People must follow his teachings to get rid of the different pains of life. You should delete the image of Muhammad (salt). Because he's not good at religion.

Jesus has been named the most important person in human history, followed by Napoleon and Shakespeare, as governed by the Internet. He is one of the most popular people in the world, known for his roles as a professional wrestler, actor and businessman. Muhammad Ali was once the most famous person on the planet, rivaling many famous superstars. He is the biggest movie star in the world, the second richest actor in the world, the only actor who bears his name, Moon Crater, has 4 honorary doctorates, the 50 most powerful people in the world from Newsweek magazine, has received the UNESCO Pyramid and Glass Award for philanthropy, a rare species of orchid from Singapore that bears his name.

But we must also learn to respect other people's opinions, people love different things, but there is a lot of evidence that Islam is the true religion, for example, the division between the moon. NASA has discovered that Islam is the true religion, but they won't share it with the world. Collecting millions of opinions on famous and infamous people throughout history, they have calculated how successfully each person's idea has spread in society over time. Michael Jackson shouldn't be 3 years old and I think Elvis should be a head of Michael Michael should be the second maybe and what about James Dean Myrolyn Monroe Humphrey Bogart Grank Sinatra as celebrities are almost as famous as Elvis or Jackson and Mocahel Jordan.

Not only was Lincoln a president famous for preserving the Union during the Civil War, but his Gettysburg address also inspired millions of people around the world. One of the most important figures of the Abrahamic religions (Christianity, Islam and Judaism), making him a well-known figure among most religious people around the world. However, you'll miss out on some of those famous personalities such as Bruce Lee, Marilyn Monroe, Elvis Presley, William Shakespeare, Napoleon and much more. Lincoln served the most dominant country in the world today and positively led the United States during its bloodiest war, the American Civil War (1861 to 186).

Lincoln was not only a famous president during the Civil War for preserving the union, but he also influenced millions of people around the world with his Gettysburg address. Nobel Prize winner, Einstein developed the general theory of relativity, which later explained the forces of gravity and allowed him to help the famous person of modern physics. .

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